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< Consulta:TextosRevisión del 12:16 29 oct 2021 de Vaqalado (Discusión | contribuciones)

About Transcriptions
One of the main interests of this website is to enable the study of the textual dimension of popular prints published by Antonio Vanegas Arroyo. For this reason, their transcription has been started, but not yet concluded.
This task will be continued until all transcriptions have been integrated in the database for their search and consultation. We are only presenting those that have been corrected. The transcription team would be thankful for any comment, suggestion, or correction regarding these transcriptions, and for any additional transcription of prints that are part of the collection.
- Capital letters remain as in the source text, except those at the beginning of verses, which were transcribed in lower case unless preceded by a full stop.
- The distinction between roman and italics remain as in the source text.
- Strictly orthographical mistakes were corrected without signalling this with brackets. The aim is to avoid technically hindering the use of those words in online searches.
- When a word appears unreadable in the original text, however, this will be indicated with brackets.